Neville Gough

Before my brain injury I was quite a good problem solver but I'm useless now. I always try and solve things myself but if I get stuck, I contact Cathy at Brain Injury Association Otago. It's usually got something to do with paperwork or computers. I've been involved with the Brain Injury Association for a long time, even from when they were the Head Injury Society many years ago. It's so important that we have somewhere to go when we have a problem. Cathy advocates for me and explains my situation to people, whether it's the bank or ACC or something to do with my dog. They also provide a social network and I've made some good friends from coming along to the meetups and playing cards. I do wonder how many people are out there with brain injuries trying to get by with no support. I hope more people come to realise that the Brain Injury Association is there to help them. 

"It's so important that we have somewhere to go when we have a problem. Cathy advocates for me and explains my situation to people, whether it's the bank or ACC or something to do with my dog."



